From a historical perspective piecing has been a common practice since man existed. There are mummified remains that have earrings from over 5000 years ago. Other piercings such as nose piercing and septum piercing (between the nostrils) has been extremely common in many cultures. Nose piercings have dated back to 1500 BC in India, and are still very prevalent today. Septum piercing was very common practice among the South American Aztecs, Mayas, and Incas. Most piercing done before modern times used wood, horn, or bone.
Contemporary piercing is very widespread, but attempts to maintain a greater level of safety by using safer materials such as surgical grade implant stainless steel and titanium. We also treat piercing as minor surgical procedures and therefore take precautions as such. Needles and jewelry are always sterilized, and we work in a clean environment to assure your safety and a healthy successful piercing.